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Mother Teresa’s Subtle Energy Profile: The shape and the size of the Energy Field at the time of the photograph indicate that there is some lack of Energy.

Size A indicates well developed intellectual and analytical abilities.

Energy Centre VII: is below average in development, indicating quite a narrow vision of the world and life. On the other diagram of how the abilities are being used, we see a very big gap indicating that this person has very little moral and ethical values. Absolutely not trustworthy, with a criminal mind.

Energy Centre VI: is very well developed and very well used in life (very small gap from the ideal 100% of being used). With these configurations of Energy Centre VII and Energy Centre VI, where moral and ethical values do not exist and there is a highly developed intuition, she knew perfectly how to manipulate people and how to reach her goals.

Energy Centre V: is below average in development and poorly used in life. It means that she was very stubborn, not flexible, there was no joy in her life, no generosity, and lack of high emotions.

Energy Centre IV: is very undeveloped and she was not able to love and feel compassion toward people.

We can see a huge gap in how she was using her minimal abilities to love.

Energy Centre III: is overdeveloped, indicating her controlling issues and enormous willpower with a tendency for anger (on the other diagram we see the overuse of this Centre, more than 100%).

A combination of the below averagely developed VII, highly developed VI, very small Energy Centres V and IV, and overly developed Energy Centre III, create a very dangerous personality. 

Energy Centre II: its development is below average.

Energy Centre I: is overdeveloped. A propensity for over programming every action around the material life.

See all Subtle Energy Profiles HERE