Subtle Energy: Information to Enhance, Guide and Heal

Subtle Energy: Information to Enhance, Guide and Heal


On the deepest level of reality, everything is made out of and interconnected by the same matter: Subtle Energy. This unknown realm carries answers to many of our questions and understanding it gives us the ability to be guided during difficult situations, to see things as they really are and not how we believe them to be, to help us see beyond the words, and even makes us better people. 

Subtle Energy: Information to Enhance, Guide and Heal is about the vibrational world of Subtle Energy. Most of us are unaware of it. This hidden world carries vibrations produced by what has happened in the past, what is happening right now, and even by what is going to happen. These vibrations carry coded information. The actual Laws of Nature operating there are very different from those we have learned at school and have been conditioned to follow in our daily lives. 

The fact is, every moment of our (or any other form) of existence, even our thoughts, is in intimate connection with this world. We are made out of its vibrations and contribute our vibrations to it. Subtle Energy is about everything in life, its grand design and minute details. Our knowledge about ourselves and the world around us cannot be complete without our awareness of how this type of energy functions. 

This book is your unique step-by-step guide into the invisible world of Subtle Energy. It’ll help to navigate you through all aspects of this incredibly important and intriguing, but mostly unknown, topic. Through thirty years of research, practice, and client work, Olga has developed the most complete system for utilizing and understanding Subtle Energy to date. With this book’s publication, the wider world now has access to her insights and her unique techniques for extracting the information coded in vibrations. Whether the goal is to improve relationships, make sound decisions regarding jobs and career, or simply to enjoy a better understanding of the world, greater happiness and well-being, this book will provide essential knowledge for the modern era. 

Softcover format $34.99

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